In the training of Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu Haedong Kumdo
Through Ki-Mu training, one becomes aware of the flow of energy
– Mindfulness and Awareness.
Even Breathing and Normal Mind form the foundation of all practices
– Enlightenment.
By employing one or two swords,
one seeks mental and physical training to grasp how to move the body automatically
– the principle of body movement.
Practitioners engage in Ki Mu Practice, a training method that cultivates a deep connection with the flow of energy. – Flow of Energy
This practice fosters a heightened state of mindfulness and awareness, where even the act of breathing and maintaining composure becomes the foundation of all training endeavors, ultimately leading to enlightenment. – Enlightenment
Through the use of one or two swords in physical training, practitioners gain a profound understanding of the principles of body movement.
Ki Mu training emphasizes the importance of maintaining Even Breathing and a state of Normal Mind (composure), while sword training focuses on achieving body harmony and balance.
– Mastery of how to move the body automatically
○ Seeing the Light Energy
○ Following the Flow of Energy
○ Mastery of the principle of natural and automatical movements
○ Awareness of the Energy operating in the Body
○ Understanding the Functioning of Energy in Each Organ, and so on
○ The Sword as an Extension of the Arm
○ The Sword’s Movements Follow the Body’s One.
○ Body (+E) Movements Follow My Mind
○ My Mind (+E) Follows the Energy (Love) of Nature
☆ Simbeop (Mind Method)
☆ Sinbeop (Body Method)
☆ Dobeop (Sword Method)
=> Understanding the Triadic Structural Principles
with Vipassana Acupuncture Practice
Identifying the blockages and openings of energy in uncomfortable or painful areas and establishing the communication of energy to return to balance and harmony through practice.
The methods of practice include meditation, acupuncture, using stones, swords, and any other tools.
The principle of the body moving automatically and naturally is based on the fundamental concept that my body is not truly mine, and the energy is not mine either.
All the above training methods share the same underlying essence, providing a common foundation.
Whether it is sword training or
acupuncture, regardless of the tool used, it becomes a tool for my mental and physical training, leading to the elevation of martial skills and guiding human life to a better state.
Therefore, the reason why all practice and religious groups use phrases such as “forget yourself,” “discard yourself,” or “empty mind” becomes clear through experiencing and understanding directly through Ki-Mu practice with one or two sword training.
In summary:
As practitioners delve deeper into their training, they come to realize that their body is not separate from themselves but rather a vessel through which energy flows.
This understanding leads to a state where the body moves instinctively, and practitioners recognize the impermanence of self-identity.
This principle is echoed in various other spiritual and training disciplines that encourage individuals to let go of self-centeredness and transcend their limitations.
Through the integration of Ki Mu Su Practice and sword training, practitioners are able to directly experience and comprehend the rationale behind the emphasis on selflessness and self-transcendence in all forms of training and spiritual pursuits.
This holistic approach enables individuals to achieve higher levels of accomplishment beyond mere mastery of martial arts techniques, which is the goal of Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu Haedong Kumdo training
Ultimately, the training in Jinyoung Ssangkum Ryu leads practitioners to the right practice for better training and a better life as well.
▖ 기무(KI-MU)
본 내용은 해동검도를 지도하면서 기운의 흐름을 잘 알아
기본적인 몸 움직임에 대한 이해를 충실히 하여
해동검도 수련에 보탬이 되도록 하기위해 시작하였던 것이며,
2001년도 첫 출간된 쌍검교본 속에도 사진과 함께 이 내용들이 잘 실려 있다.
이것이 현재의 진영쌍검류 수련 몸 움직임의 근간이 되며,
그 각 동작들의 기운의 움직임을 이해하며,
수련하도록 하는데 기본 수련으로 되어있다.
이를 진영기무(JINYOUNG KI-MU) 또는
본 수련과정에 크게 세 단계로 대별해 놓고 있는데,
1단계는 자기 스스로 수련하면서 연마 할 수 있으나,
2단계부터는 옆에서 지도하지 않으면 참으로 어려운 과정일 수도 있고,
설사 비슷하게 할 수는 있으나 결국
바른 생각과 말과 행동 속에 부단한 노력과 순수한 열정이 없다면
끝까지 따라오기는 쉽지 않다.
3단계는 2단계가 어느 정도 수준이 되어야
그 내용을 이해하고 수련하는 것이 가능하다.
어느 정도 수련하게 되면 각 단계별 정도와 수준이 사람에 따라 다소
다르게 나타날 수도 있다.
본 과정은 각자 자기의 수련과 자기 생활 속에서
오직 최선의 노력과 열정 속에만 이룰 수 있는 것으로
설명은 할 수가 있으나 각자 자신이 하기 나름이다.
▖1단계 : 편안하게, 온 몸 기운의 흐름을 느껴라
▖First Stage : Relax, and Feel the energy
▖ 2단계 : 집중하며서 그것을 보려고 노력해라
▖ Second Stage : Focus, and see it
▖ 3단계 : 깨달아 그것을 행해라
▖ Third Stage : Realize, and do it
기본기무 1번-12번
Kibon Ki-Mu no.1 – 12
건강기무 1번- 6번
Keonkang Ki-Mu no.1 – 6
실전기무 1번 -6번
Siljeon Ki-Mu no.1 – 6
Chiryo Ki-Mu
방광과 1번-3번
B-Type no.1 – 3
위과 1번-3번
S-Type no.1 -3
기본쌍검법(한라형) , 심(상)쌍검법, 예도쌍검법(지리형) , 성쌍검법(별형) ,
본국쌍검법(소백형) , 장백쌍검법(태백형) ,금강쌍검법(금강형),
백두쌍검법(백두형), 태극쌍검법(태극형), 회전쌍검법(원형쌍검법, 원형)
이 있으며, 아래와 같이 단계별 수련체계가 있다.
– 아 래 –
기본쌍검법(한라형) 1번-12번 – 1단 과정
Kibon Ssangkum bups( Hanra Hyung) no.1-12 – 1 Ddan course
심(상) 쌍검법(심형) – 1단 과정
Sim Ssangkum Bup(Sim Hyung) – 1 Dan course
예도쌍검법(지리형) 1번 – 11번 – 2단 과정
Yedo Sssangkum Bups(Jiri Hyung) no.1 – 11 – 2 Dan course
성쌍검법(별형) 12번 – 2단 과정
Sung Ssangkum Bup(Byeol Hyung or Star Hyung) no. 12 – 2 Dan course
본국쌍검법(소백형) 1번 – 4번 – 3단 과정
Bonkuk Ssangkum Bups (Sobaek Hyung) no.1 – 4 – 3 Dan course
본국쌍검법 (소백형) 5번- 7번 – 4단 과정
Bonkuk Ssangkum Bups (Sobaek Hyung) no.5 – 7 – 4 Dan course
장백쌍검법(태백형) 1번 – 4번 – 5단 과정
Jangbaek Ssangkum Bups (Taebaek Hyung) no.1 – 4 – 5 Dan course
장백쌍검법(태백형) 5번 – 7번 – 6단 과정
Jangbaek Ssangkum Bups (Taebaek Hyung) no.5 – 7 – 6 Dan course
금강쌍검법(금강형) 1번 – 4번 – 7단 과정
Kumkang Ssangkum Bups( Kumjang Hyung) no.1 – 4 – 7 Dan course
백두쌍검법(백두형) 1번 – 4번 – 8단 과정
Haekdu Ssangkum Bups(Haekdu Hyung) no.1 – 4 – 8 Dan course
태극쌍검법 (태극형) 1번 – 4번 – 9단 과정
Taekuk Ssangkum Bups( Taekuk Hyung) no.1 – 4 – 9 Dan course
회전쌍검법(원형) – 10단 과정
Hoijeon Ssangkum Bups ( Won Hyung) – 10 Dan course
Draw & Sheath with two swords
Two swords with kicking
Sparring with two swords
Cutting with two swords
Sword dance with two swords
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